
(One) emrys wisps: most of the fun uses of plant will get me killed

I expect of you to know....
Zacovia wisps: Um, how do I find out who I'm married to?

An advice to listen to.
Adrea wisps: Dan, threatening to kill me unless I sell to DRA is *so* not going to encourage me to approve of your business practices enough to sell to you.

TiNiGGiT wisps: How long does it take to kill a stony troll child with bare hands?

(Apex) Echo wisps: Why does Death speak in all caps?

(Intermud) Mythica wisps: On the mudlib, the buggy mudlib, the creators code toniiiiiighhhtttt.....

Someone didn't care to check the map before opening his mouth.
Maelin wisps: Whilst you, being born with the tragic disability of being American, might not know the difference between Britain and Australia, it will help in your arguments no end if you could get at least a rudimentary knowledge of world geography.

Aerk wisps: Creators only make purses out of the skins of playtesters.
Shabree wisps: and if ther is only one playtester online we switch to directors

Yeah, right.
Proeliator wisps: Crocs are easy, all you need is a sheet of tarp and an assie accent

My sugestion is to get rid of one of the talkers.
Reuben wisps: what does it take to stop repeating questions
Reuben wisps: what does it take to stop repeating questions

A library would be the perfect place to learn to spell.
Smallpox wisps: abh, i cant get out of the libraryu in KL

Floy wisped: Please! No more cabbages!

Nope, didn't wanna know that either.
Dasquian tells you: I forgot to put on my nappy this morning and now I made a bobo in my trousers. :-(

Hurricane wisps: Either I'm lagged, or that was the fastest minute of my life.

This one never gets to old.
Gnash wisps: Where is the only place in the world where you can go rimwards, then widdershins, then hubwards, and end up where you started?
Submarine wisps: the hub

I have always wanted to know this.
Sourgrave wisps: imagine a man with small penis and you can call him micro-soft

(Apex) Shabree wisps: now I am just confused
(Apex) Elauna wisps: No, you're not. You're confused AND cute :PO

Need I say this was followed by heavy lag?
Aerk wisps that he LAGs Skyhigh.

You ask Elanor the Wise: what do you mean?
Sanosuke wisps: no idea|

Svithiod wisps: There! Another 500k xp and seven hp:s to come... :)

The gigantic whirlwind of rubbish dissipates into nothingness.
A garlicky smell wafts out as you exhale.

Rylin wisps: into teh 5tick: Hello!!!!!11 U lot R wierd, i fink its 2 funny 2 believe!!!!111 ROLF!!! LOL!!! (This message ws brought to by the "Newbie message company" (c) (r) (tm))

Spore wisps: im lost in the stolat plains though and i cant use godmtoher cos i say yesh to yes

Twister wisps: ahh the joys of mudding with a geforce 4

You must be a Taxi to understand...
(Taxi) Wizzo the Wise: how can i get arrested?

(Priests) Dogbolter wisps: Oh, cres don't count.

[Depression leaves Discworld]

Captain Carrot says: Good afternoon, Distortion

Yeah, but why?
Rog wisps: from now on I'm going to type backwards with spaces every four symbols

Talks about music
Grudthak wisps: Doom doesn't really have a theme tune. Although the c-c-c#-c#-c-c-c#-c#-c-c#-d-d#-e-d#-d-c thing is quite cool

To the northeast, a town cryer shouts: Oh yay, oh yay. anybody out there got a monkey and a fez for sale?

(RRU) Niagara: Djel River. Quite a popular place for taking a bath with the Crocs. Eco turism they call it in Klatch.

LambDA wisps: argh! Login queue! The end is nigh!
% Connection to DW closed by foreign host.

Some random chat on channel one
Airk wisps: I have 3 small wooden shields

A taxi client who told me where he wanted to be picked up _AND_ used politeness at the same time
Alwir asks you: Pardon, sir, would you be able to Taxi me from just west of the Drum to Lancre?

The confusion of one name for two types of items.
> cap priests
You cannot cast air passage on living targets.

Trunks DeLaCroix tells Chibi and you: no multitells

Uruk wisps: The wolves have the Holy Ritual Of Lag Producing

Grytpype wisps: What does "squelch" mean?

Aurelius wisps: what options are there for repairing a damaged sword?
Maelin wisps: There's two. There's repairing it, or not repairing it.

Two TM in a row, not even spam in between
You find yourself more able to concentrate on this task than you thought.
You feel like the language djelian is less confusing.

This one's pretty cool to.
[djeltms] Mordred: another double TM
Mordred masquerades as a giant TM and runs around the room.
Mordred masquerades as a giant TM and runs around the room.

Vidar wisps: I need a spear, though.
Vidar wisps: Surely there is a holy spear of antioch or some such?

Cloven wisps: anyone lose an owl named Owl?

Hufte wisps: "The net dead statue of Pinkfish is here"

To the northwest, a town cryer shouts: Oh yay, oh yay. Wibble?

To the north, Stoltz shouts asking: ?
To the north, Val Malace yells: !

[priests] Svithiod wisps: Yay! Say hello to the new Fish bishop! :D
[priests] Llama wisps: cool, where is he?

Dishrag wisps: egads! You get a human right eye and a human left eye from you.

To the west, Sindrin shouts: lag
To the west, the LAG yells: Ah, shaddup, Sindrin!!!!

To the southwest, a town cryer shouts: Oh yay, oh yay. $50 for this? What was i thinking?

To the east, a town crier shouts: Oh yay, oh yay. Carrot and Angua, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G! tee hee hee...

Up one level