Hi. Here are instructions for how to make your web-ring panel code work.

1 Fill in your SiteID (the 5 digit number you got when you registered at bravenet) in the field "SiteID" and your email in the field "email" in the form below.
2 Click the button "Create your code"
3 The site will reload, and now, copy paste the code below into your site.
4 You may now change the layout and graphics of the panel code in any way you want, as long as you do not change the functionality of the code. You may remove the email line, if you want that too.
5 The best plase to put the panel is on your site's front page, at the bottom.

Your SiteID:
Your email:
Your name:

If you feel these instructions are to hard to follow, fear not to contact me, either using my email: fille (a)_ fukt dot bsnet dot se or just talk to me on the mud or mud mail me. I use the charachter "Filey".

If you want to join the ring, and have not joined yet, click this link and follow instructions.

The site ring page
The main page