Policy and rules

This ring is about the discworld mud. Your web site must be mainly about this to fit in. It may contain other content as well as long as it is discworld mud to it's better part. It is hard to draw the line where it is to much non-DWMUD contents, and I am the judge.

This is a clear nono. Anything I rate as quest info I find and the site is unsuited for the ring.

Restricted information:
Some information is not alowed acording to the mud to be distributed freely. These rules apply here. Other information has no such regulations but is still in the grey zone. Such as hidden places. This is in the area of not good but not ilegal. Although I do not encourage publication of such information, I do not forbid it either. As this rule is "on the line" I may change my opinion at any time and alter this policy. If the information is close to quest info (yet again I draw the line of what is close or not) I cut the site.

Drugs, child porn etc:
This kind of information is not DW-Mud related and will result in a denial of request to join.

Player sites:
Some sites only have information about a single mud character. Since this is in theme, those sites are alowed.

Outdated information:
There are no rules against it. As long as the page is in theme, it can be not updated for 10 years afaik.

Mud meets:
Is considered in theme.

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