The Stat Dependencies Project

The skills and stats has been changed, as of aug 3, 2002. Something all players who was there before this date are very aware of. The old stats, as I researched them, can be found here.
In this section I will now only keep information about how to alter your stats.

Stat boosting
There are quite a few ways to boost up or modify your stats. Doing this will change the bonus for you to better fit your needs.

Permanent changes
Before you use this command, all stats are 13. Just type "rearange" and you will get a chance to change it. You can do as you pleases as long as no stats is below 8 or above 23. Make sure you have no stat points in the pool when you finish it of, 'cus you wont get them stats back if you do. Also dont do this to early, as you got only one chance and doing a bad rearange realy sucks.

No need to tell me how to spell this title, I am now informed.
The orthodopist is found in OC. At his place you can move one stat-point from one stat to an other. You will have to tell first what stat to decrease, then what to increase. It will cost you aprox 25 crowns. A low price to pay when the day come you must change your rearange. After the change you will drop stats to realy low levels and also pass out for a few minutes. This includes dropping items, so make sure you dont have stealable things with you. It will now take some time before you can use this services again, I dont know for how long, 3 months ive been told.

There used to be quests that gave out permanent stat boosts. They are now either removed, or the reward has been changed. And they will not come back.

Temporary Changes
There is lotsa ways to temporaryly change your stats. I'll cover all I know up, but I bet I'll miss some.

Put a human heart on seks low altar, Ankh-morpork, and youl get an extra str.

Small Gods Shrine. In here you will sence a inner peace or stuff like that. This gives you 2 extra wis, if youre patient to wait for it a few minutes. Leave and come back after your first extra wis and you will get the other one.

The shrine, deepest into the mountains, gives one wis, in the same way as OC shrine. It also raise you if you died, and is a room free of NPC's (safe house).

A ritual that consumes a block of holy incense, or charges of some of the rods partly. All stats get 1+. Best stat-boost avilable.

As im informed, it does +1 int, then -1 int, but it depends on the brewer, some is -3 down...

Stat Items
There are various items that changes your stats. In most cases they increases some and lower some others. In the "good old days" the effect of using multiple stat items was that the effect of each one of them was added together, now its not that good, you get more of a penalty today. I cant tell all of it, cus I dont know. But ill list up all i know.
This area is a subject to changes, so if my info is out of date, please let me know.

When using both, +1 dex. This is quest item.

wis +3 int +2 str -3.

int +3 wis +2 con -3. Dont wear these two items long...

Str +2, others -1

Wearing this two items simultaniously will give the following change, depending on if you use the cap before or after the helm:

cap + helm
Con... -3
Str... -4
Dex... -1
Wis... +4
Int... +3

helm + cap
Con ... -4
Str.... -3
Dex.... -1
Wis.... +3
Int ... +4

Dex +2, consumes GP

Gives an extra int if your a warrior and eat it. Costs 10 AM$ at t-shoppe.

Tell me if you know more, I'll put up all I get here.

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