Official Clubbe "Whitelisters" homepage, Founded by meself

This club has been discontinued.

One player on the Discworld MUD got pissed off by some gits, and founded the club "Blacklisters". The purpose was to edit a list of players to avoid, so that everyone could read that list and avoid those players, for the greater fun of them self.
This was not a bad idea. I vote for adding Meer for kill stealing and insulting and being a general pain in an important hole in ones body. But thats not the point here.
I thought it would be fine to set up a club which listed players who are nice, helpful or in any other way worth some credits. So i founded the club "Whitelisters".
Yet so far it has only been one other hole to put down my money in. But now, i finally put up a document, honouring those who deserve it. We also got 3 members. (Wee!!)

Whitelist someone:
Its easy: Mudmail me, telling who you wanna whitelist, and why. Then its a good chance you'll see his/hers name here.

Join the club:
I'm the only recruiter atm. Contact me. Ill add you to the club if i like you :c).

Who am "me" then??
Filey. (Now you don't have to refer whitelisters to know that)

Future of the club:
I want at least 10 members, so i can turn the club into an elected one.
And to get this page to look better...

Whitelisted playersFluffy thingAdded by
Lucinde For a djel-rescue.Drizzle
Cheff For a generous payment for a corpse rescue. Me.
