Page design by Atomic Jo.


Commands List of features specific to DC++k (0.179 and older) :

List of features to implement real soon now (e.g. features present on my private version) :

None, right now List of planned features to implement :

List of commands specific to DC++k (present and future) :

Note that commands that are not compiled into the binary by default are not listed here.

There are also different names for the commands. For those interested in either subject, go look in client/HubFrame.cpp, in executeCommand().
Direct CommandExplanation
/cleanuserresponseCleans away any user responses
/deletefilesRemoves dead files, e.g. files that should be removed (only relevant if you have the "Remove means delete" option enabled)
/debugShows some debug info which I need when you report a bug
/flushfilelistRemoves filelists from the filelist directory
/getuserresponsesTries to retrieve user responses from all users in the hub
/resetlockResets the lock and pk strings to default
/savequeueSaves the download queue
/timedmessageDisables the timed message
/touchuserresponseAllows the user responses to be read from every user again

Setting Command Legend :

Setting CommandExplanation
/addfavuser strAdds the user indicated by str to the favorite users
/allowbzlist tsDetermines whether the bzipped file list is allowed to be sent
/alwaysawayminimized tsDetermines if DC++k should go away automatically if minimized
/commandhistory tsDetermines if DC++k should use the arrow keys for command history or for navigating messages / commands
/defaultawaymessage strSets the default message (used only if the program is not away before minimizing)
/deletefilelists tsDetermines if DC++k should delete the filelists at program termination
/disconnectafterfinished tsDetermines if DC++k terminate the uploads to a user after you no longer share any hub
/disconnecterr strSets the error message sent to the user when he is disconnected as above (if empty then not sent)
/downloadslots numSets the number of download slots
/extendedprotocol tsDetermines if DC++k should disable the extended protocol, emulating a normal NMDC client
/extraslots numSets the number of extra slots
/floodertimeout numSets the number of seconds that a flooder is remembered to num.
/forceshowdupessize numSets the maximum size of a file that is still included despite being a dupe to num (for use with FILE_ID.DIZ, .CUE files and so on).
/get strReturns the value of the setting indicated by str
/inbufsize numResizes the internal file transfer buffer to num. A low setting can give improvements with ACK problems (upload lessens download). Low settings will mean worse performance for high-speed users.
/isend strSends str to the hub, altering it only as written in User Specified Command
/kicksleep numSets the time waited after sending the message to send the $Kick to num milliseconds
/lock strSpecifies the lock string
/lock strToggles whether every search is sent out as a $MultiSearch, in addition to the normal $Search
/pk strSpecifies the pk string
/popuplist tsDetermines if DC++k should pop up filelists when they are downloaded
/removeisdelete tsDetermines if DC++k interprets the remove-action to mean delete the file
/retrievefilelists tsDetermines if DC++k should try to retrieve any new users filelists when they enter the hub, thanks to wego!
/searchfloodcount numSets the number of times a seeker can search without doing search flooding to num.
/seekertimeout numSets the number of seconds that a search is remembered to num.
/searchhidden tsDetermines if DC++k should try to retrieve user responses from all new users to the hub
/searchpassive tsSets whether to search in passive mode while in active mode or not
/send strSends str to the hub without altering it at all
/sendextendedinfo tsDetermines whether the extended information tag should be sent
/showuploadlimittag tsDetermines if the upload limit tag should be showed
/showuserresponses tsDetermines if the Get/Show User Responses menu alternatives are shown
/smallfilesize numSets how large (in bytes) the "small files" are allowed to be
/timedmessage num strEnables a timed message (str) to be sent out every num minutes
/trypassiveconnectfirst tsTells DC++k to try to connect to a user using passive mode before trying to connect to one using active mode (use only if you are in active mode)
/ulmsg strSends a private message to each person that you are uploading to
/uploadlimittag numSets the upload limit tag to num
/userdllimit numSets the user download limit (maximum number of files per connection) to num (0 means off)
/userdllimiterr strSets the error message which is sent to the user if the limit is reached, to str (%limit is replaced with the limit, if it is empty then it is not sent)
/userdllimitmsg strSets the private message which is sent to the user if the limit is reached, to str (%limit is replaced with the limit, if it is empty then it is not sent)
Special commands for User Specified Commands

There currently is one special user specified command. Special commands are entered exactly as seen below:
$ShowIPShows the ip(s) of the selected user(s), along with their nicks

If you have any feature that you think ought to be here, mail me (don't forget to remove the three exclamation marks).