Hallo - An idea for you: When scheduling events, things get pretty complex esp with so many classes/abilities in play. As you've undoubtedly realized. How to frame all this neatly? Consider this matrix, setup to help 1hw manage the various things a priest can do. spell self? party? raid? in-combat? req-mana? contextual-threshold renew y y y y 1000 when target < 2000 shield y y y y 1000 when target < 1000 sguard y n/a n/a y max n/a sprot y y y n 3000 n/a fort y y n n 3000 n/a and so forth: as you can see, this schema allows pretty granular control of setting up the 'to do' pipeline, while applying to a broad range of activities and also is pretty simple. conceptual design: spell self? party? raid? in-combat? req-mana? contextual-threshold each line: checkbox checkbox checkbox checkbox slider dropdown menu with (icon or (textfield?) textfield that is hidden text field? when necessary* icon easier) dropdown menu when target > HP when target > MP when target < HP when target < MP (only used with mana classes) when target dead when target diseased when target poisoned when target cursed when target magically debuffed when target does not have effect(s) (textfield is comma seperated list of effect names, defaults to spell name if empty) when target does have effect(s) (textfield is comma seperated list of effect names, defaults to spell name if empty) (check groupbuttons for more contextual ideas) Think "big" rather than small. OHW code allows for auto-choosing the highest level buff that the target can receive, this will be used for all spells.