SemiAutoRecast v0.3 - written by sarf, based on code by wonderful --- START DISCLAIMER SemiAutoRecast was a concept made by wonderful on the official WoW community site boards. I do not intend to infringe Blizzard's copyright by creating this patch. All rights to the code contained in "ActionButton.lua" (excepting the parts that are equal to the "SemiAutoRecast.lua") belong to Blizzard. --- END DISCLAIMER This file contains the instructions for installing the SemiAutoRecast patch manually. If you do not like coding stuff AND you do not have any other UI mod installed, I strongly suggest you use the installer. The thread that contains wonderfuls original idea and code can be found here : Note: The installation instructions for the script are actually wonderfuls post. Credit for this should go to wonderful, not me. The only change made was to refer to the attached files instead of pasting code directly into the text. My edits will start with ###. For the actual, original post, check out the file "wonderful's post.txt" - it contains the post, copy/pasted into a text file. --- START CUTTING HERE I posted this in another thread, but I thought I'd start a new one to pass on this information. One of the main things people liked about AUTOCAST was the ability to keep Find Minerals / Herbs up at all times. My work-around is to bind the auto-refresh of Find Minerals to the Turn-Left/Right key in Bindings.xml... The way it works is that every time you turn left, it auto-presses the 11th and 12th hotkeys on the 6th page, once every 3 minutes. ### Note that you can change how many and what keys it auto-presses ### with my edits, as well as the delay. Step 1: Put Find Minerals and Find Herbs on button 11 and button 12 of page 6 of the HotBar. (Shift-6, then hit I to bring up the ability list and drag Find Minerals and Find Herbs to buttons 11 and 12.) ### Or just take any page as the "autopress page" (if you even want ### one just for autopresses), and drag whatever spells/abilities ### you want there. ### Don't forget to update the AUTORECAST_ACTIONBARNUMBER, ### AUTORECAST_ACTIONBARKEYNUMBER and AUTORECAST_ACTIONBARKEYNUMBER ### if you do decide to use another bar or other buttons. Step 2: In your WoW folder unzip if you haven't already. Step 3: Edit Interface\Bindings.xml and find the TURNLEFT and TURNRIGHT sections and add a call to SemiAutoRecast(), so they look something like: ### Check out the contents of the "SemiAutoRecastBindings.txt" file ### Follow the instructions therein. Step 4: Edit Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua and add: ### Check out the contents of the "SemiAutoRecast_v0.2.lua" file ### You can simply copy it whole (in fact, I suggest that you do). at the top, under the IN_ATTACK_MODE = 0 line. ### You may need to edit the AUTORECAST_WAIT variable to get ### the timings right, but the numbers there worked for wonderful. Step 5: Log completely out of WoW and then in again. Enjoy! --- STOP CUTTING HERE Well, that was pretty much the entire post, changed to be compatible with my refactored version. If you have any questions, either send me a private message using one of these links: WoW Interface - World of Warcraft Mods - You can also email me at k!!@!! (remove the exclamation marks). Best of luck to you, and let's hope Blizzard makes it easier for us to autocast spells soon (as well as give me a beta account!). Regards, Anders "sarf" Kronquist.