-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wonderful: I posted this in another thread, but I thought I'd start a new one to pass on this information. One of the main things people liked about AUTOCAST was the ability to keep Find Minerals / Herbs up at all times. My work-around is to bind the auto-refresh of Find Minerals to the Turn-Left/Right key in Bindings.xml... The way it works is that every time you turn left, it auto-presses the 11th and 12th hotkeys on the 6th page, once every 3 minutes. Step 1: Put Find Minerals and Find Herbs on button 11 and button 12 of page 6 of the HotBar. (Shift-6, then hit I to bring up the ability list and drag Find Minerals and Find Herbs to buttons 11 and 12.) Step 2: In your WoW folder unzip if you haven't already. Step 3: Edit Interface\Bindings.xml and find the TURNLEFT and TURNRIGHT sections and add a call to SemiAutoFind(), so they look something like: if ( keystate == "down" ) then TurnLeftStart(arg1); else SemiAutoFind(); TurnLeftStop(arg1); end if ( keystate == "down" ) then TurnRightStart(arg1); else SemiAutoFind(); TurnRightStop(arg1); end Step 4: Edit Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua and add: AUTOKEY = 0; CURKEY = 11; function SemiAutoFind() local time = GetTime(); if ( IN_ATTACK_MODE == 0 and ( time > AUTOKEY ) ) then local curBar = CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE; CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = 6; ChangeActionBarPage(); ActionButtonDown(CURKEY); ActionButtonUp(CURKEY); CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = curBar; ChangeActionBarPage(); if (CURKEY == 11) then AUTOKEY = time + 2; CURKEY = 12; else AUTOKEY = time + 150; CURKEY = 11; end end end at the top, under the IN_ATTACK_MODE = 0 line. You may have to edit the 2 and the 150 numbers above to get the timings right, but those numbers seem to work good for me. Step 5: Log completely out of WoW and then in again. Enjoy! [Edit: Updated with fixed version that works with both Find Minerals and Find Herbs.] [ post edited by wonderful ]