------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1456 | sarf | 2005-12-21 12:08:26 +0100 (on, 21 dec 2005) | 1 line UnrealSoundPack - fixed some minor bugs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1453 | sarf | 2005-12-08 08:44:01 +0100 (to, 08 dec 2005) | 1 line UnrealSoundPack - fixed a lot of issues, added support for using ActionQueue messages. They're prettier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1449 | sarf | 2005-12-03 13:39:42 +0100 (l”, 03 dec 2005) | 1 line UnrealSoundPack - fixed so that it only recognizes deaths once... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1448 | sarf | 2005-12-03 10:04:37 +0100 (l”, 03 dec 2005) | 1 line UnrealSoundPack - DOMINATING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------