CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = 1; NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES = 6; NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS = 12; ATTACK_BUTTON_FLASH_TIME = 0.4; INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN = -1; IN_ATTACK_MODE = nil; IN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE = nil; -- +Alt-self-cast start --[[ All Alt-self-cast code is contained within "Alt-self-cast" comments as seen above. Alt-self-cast todo list: 1. Move the hard-coded strings into the CosmosStrings.lua. 2. Consolidate all ActionButton modifiers into one section. Preferably, this would include a global "do not allow things to be dragged from any actionbar" option. ]]-- -- Alt-self-cast variables ActionButton_AltSelfCast_Enabled = false; function AltSelfCast_Enable_Change(toggle, value) if ( toggle == 1 ) then ActionButton_AltSelfCast_Enabled = true; else ActionButton_AltSelfCast_Enabled = false; end end function AltSelfCast_OnLoad() if( CosmosMaster_Register ~= nil ) then CosmosMaster_Register("COS_ALT_SELF_CAST_SECTION", "SEPARATOR", "Alt-self-cast section", "This is the alt-self-cast section.\nHopefully it will be consolidated under an\nActionButton category which should be made someday." ); CosmosMaster_Register("COS_ALT_SELF_CAST_ENABLE", "CHECKBOX", "Enable the Alt-self-cast", "This will make it so that any button will try to \"cast\" itself\nif the Alt-key is held while it is clicked.", AltSelfCast_Enable_Change, 0, 0 ); end end -- Will invoke the UseAction, after checking if it is supposed to do some self-casting or not. function AltSelfCast_UseAction(id, number, onSelf) -- +Telo: target self on alt cast if( (IsAltKeyDown()) and (ActionButton_AltSelfCast_Enabled == true) ) then local unitName; if( UnitIsFriend("player", "target") ) then unitName = UnitName("target"); TargetUnit("player"); end UseAction(id, number, onSelf); if( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end if( unitName ) then TargetByName(unitName); end else -- -Telo: target self on alt cast UseAction(id, number, onSelf); -- +Telo: target self on alt cast end -- -Telo: target self on alt cast end -- -Alt-self-cast end function ActionButtonDown(id) if ( BonusActionBarFrame:IsVisible() ) then local button = getglobal("BonusActionButton"; -- VSI Mod START if ( button ) then -- VSI Mod END if ( button:GetButtonState() == "NORMAL" ) then button:SetButtonState("PUSHED"); end -- VSI Mod START end -- VSI Mod END return; end local button = getglobal("ActionButton"; -- VSI Mod START if ( button ) then -- VSI Mod END if ( button:GetButtonState() == "NORMAL" ) then button:SetButtonState("PUSHED"); end -- VSI Mod START end -- VSI Mod END end function ActionButtonUp(id, onSelf) if ( BonusActionBarFrame:IsVisible() ) then -- VSI Mod START if ( id <= 12 ) then -- VSI Mod END local button = getglobal("BonusActionButton"; if ( button:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED" ) then button:SetButtonState("NORMAL"); -- Used to save a macro MacroFrame_EditMacro(); -- +Alt-self-cast start AltSelfCast_UseAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button), 0); -- UseAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button), 0); -- -Alt-self-cast end if ( IsCurrentAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button)) ) then button:SetChecked(1); else button:SetChecked(0); end if ( INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN ~= -1 ) then CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN; INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN = -1; ChangeActionBarPage(); end end -- VSI Mod START else if ( CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE < NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES) then -- +Alt-self-cast start AltSelfCast_UseAction(id + ((CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE - 1) * NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS), 0); -- UseAction(id + ((CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE - 1) * NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS), 0); -- -Alt-self-cast end end end -- VSI Mod END return; end -- VSI Mod START if ( id <= 12 ) then -- VSI Mod END local button = getglobal("ActionButton"; if ( button:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED" ) then button:SetButtonState("NORMAL"); -- Used to save a macro MacroFrame_EditMacro(); -- +Alt-self-cast start AltSelfCast_UseAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button), 0, onSelf); -- UseAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button), 0, onSelf); -- -Alt-self-cast end if ( IsCurrentAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(button)) ) then button:SetChecked(1); else button:SetChecked(0); end if ( INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN ~= -1 ) then CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN; INSTANT_ACTIONBAR_RETURN = -1; ChangeActionBarPage(); end end -- VSI Mod START else if ( CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE < NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES) then -- +Alt-self-cast start AltSelfCast_UseAction(id + ((CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE - 1) * NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS), 0); -- UseAction(id + ((CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE - 1) * NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS), 0); -- -Alt-self-cast end end end -- VSI Mod END end function ActionBar_PageUp() CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE + 1; if ( CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE > NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES ) then CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = 1; end ChangeActionBarPage(); end function ActionBar_PageDown() CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE - 1; if ( CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE < 1 ) then CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES; end ChangeActionBarPage(); end function ActionButton_OnLoad() this.showgrid = 0; this.flashing = 0; this.flashtime = 0; ActionButton_Update(); this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton", "RightButton"); this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE"); this:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURASTATE"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED"); this:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_SHOW"); this:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_CLOSE"); this:RegisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_SHOW"); this:RegisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY"); this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS"); this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS"); this:RegisterEvent("START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL"); this:RegisterEvent("STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL"); ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(); end function ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(actionButtonType) if ( not actionButtonType ) then actionButtonType = "ACTIONBUTTON"; end local hotkey = getglobal(this:GetName().."HotKey"); local action = actionButtonType..this:GetID(); hotkey:SetText(KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName(GetBindingKey(action), "KEY_")); end function ActionButton_Update() -- Determine whether or not the button should be flashing or not since the button may have missed the enter combat event local pagedID = ActionButton_GetPagedID(this); if ( IsAttackAction(pagedID) and IsCurrentAction(pagedID) ) then IN_ATTACK_MODE = 1; else IN_ATTACK_MODE = nil; end IN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE = IsAutoRepeatAction(pagedID); -- Special case code for bonus bar buttons -- Prevents the button from updating if the bonusbar is still in an animation transition -- Derek, I had to comment this out because it was causing them all to be grayed out after a cinematic... if ( this.isBonus and this.inTransition ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); ActionButton_UpdateCooldown(); return; end local icon = getglobal(this:GetName().."Icon"); local buttonCooldown = getglobal(this:GetName().."Cooldown"); local texture = GetActionTexture(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)); if ( texture ) then icon:SetTexture(texture); icon:Show(); this:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Quickslot2"); -- Save texture if the button is a bonus button, will be needed later if ( this.isBonus ) then this.texture = texture; end else icon:Hide(); buttonCooldown:Hide(); this:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Quickslot"); end ActionButton_UpdateCount(); if ( HasAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then this:Show(); ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); ActionButton_UpdateCooldown(); elseif ( this.showgrid == 0 ) then this:Hide(); else getglobal(this:GetName().."Cooldown"):Hide(); end if ( IN_ATTACK_MODE or IN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE ) then ActionButton_StartFlash(); else ActionButton_StopFlash(); end if ( GameTooltip:IsOwned(this) ) then ActionButton_SetTooltip(); else this.updateTooltip = nil; end -- Update Macro Text local macroName = getglobal(this:GetName().."Name"); macroName:SetText(GetActionText(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this))); end function ActionButton_ShowGrid() this.showgrid = this.showgrid+1; getglobal(this:GetName().."NormalTexture"):SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); this:Show(); end function ActionButton_HideGrid() this.showgrid = this.showgrid-1; if ( this.showgrid == 0 and not HasAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then this:Hide(); end end function ActionButton_UpdateState() if ( IsCurrentAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) or IsAutoRepeatAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then this:SetChecked(1); else this:SetChecked(0); end end function ActionButton_UpdateUsable() local icon = getglobal(this:GetName().."Icon"); local normalTexture = getglobal(this:GetName().."NormalTexture"); local isUsable, notEnoughMana = IsUsableAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)); if ( isUsable ) then icon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); normalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); elseif ( notEnoughMana ) then icon:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); normalTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); else icon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); normalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function ActionButton_UpdateCount() local text = getglobal(this:GetName().."Count"); local count = GetActionCount(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)); if ( count > 1 ) then text:SetText(count); else text:SetText(""); end end function ActionButton_UpdateCooldown() local cooldown = getglobal(this:GetName().."Cooldown"); local start, duration, enable = GetActionCooldown(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)); CooldownFrame_SetTimer(cooldown, start, duration, enable); end function ActionButton_OnEvent(event) if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED" ) then if ( arg1 == -1 or arg1 == ActionButton_GetPagedID(this) ) then ActionButton_Update(); end return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED" or event == "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED" or event == "UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR" ) then ActionButton_Update(); ActionButton_UpdateState(); return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID" ) then ActionButton_ShowGrid(); return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID" ) then ActionButton_HideGrid(); return; end if ( event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS" ) then ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(); end -- All event handlers below this line MUST only be valid when the button is visible if ( not this:IsVisible() ) then return; end if ( event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); return; end if ( event == "UNIT_AURASTATE" ) then if ( arg1 == "player" or arg1 == "target" ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); end return; end if ( event == "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED" ) then if ( arg1 == "player" ) then ActionButton_Update(); end return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE" ) then ActionButton_UpdateState(); return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE" ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); return; end if ( event == "ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN" ) then ActionButton_UpdateCooldown(); return; end if ( event == "CRAFT_SHOW" or event == "CRAFT_CLOSE" or event == "TRADE_SKILL_SHOW" or event == "TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE" ) then ActionButton_UpdateState(); return; end if ( arg1 == "player" and (event == "UNIT_HEALTH" or event == "UNIT_MANA" or event == "UNIT_RAGE" or event == "UNIT_FOCUS" or event == "UNIT_ENERGY") ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); return; end if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT" ) then IN_ATTACK_MODE = 1; if ( IsAttackAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then ActionButton_StartFlash(); end return; end if ( event == "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" ) then IN_ATTACK_MODE = nil; if ( IsAttackAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then ActionButton_StopFlash(); end return; end if ( event == "PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS" ) then ActionButton_UpdateUsable(); return; end if ( event == "START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL" ) then IN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE = 1; if ( IsAutoRepeatAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then ActionButton_StartFlash(); end return; end if ( event == "STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL" ) then IN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE = nil; if ( ActionButton_IsFlashing() and not IsAttackAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then ActionButton_StopFlash(); end return; end end function ActionButton_SetTooltip() GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT"); if ( GameTooltip:SetAction(ActionButton_GetPagedID(this)) ) then this.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME; else this.updateTooltip = nil; end end function ActionButton_OnUpdate(elapsed) if ( ActionButton_IsFlashing() ) then this.flashtime = this.flashtime - elapsed; if ( this.flashtime <= 0 ) then local overtime = -this.flashtime; if ( overtime >= ATTACK_BUTTON_FLASH_TIME ) then overtime = 0; end this.flashtime = ATTACK_BUTTON_FLASH_TIME - overtime; local flashTexture = getglobal(this:GetName().."Flash"); if ( flashTexture:IsVisible() ) then flashTexture:Hide(); else flashTexture:Show(); end end end if ( not this.updateTooltip ) then return; end this.updateTooltip = this.updateTooltip - elapsed; if ( this.updateTooltip > 0 ) then return; end if ( GameTooltip:IsOwned(this) ) then ActionButton_SetTooltip(); else this.updateTooltip = nil; end end function ActionButton_GetPagedID(button) local actualPage = math.mod(CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE-1,NUM_ACTIONBAR_PAGES) +1; if( button == nil ) then message(ACTIONBUTTON_ERROR_MESSAGE_NIL_BUTTON); return 0; end if ( button.isBonus and actualPage == 1 ) then return (button:GetID() + ((6 + GetBonusBarOffset() - 1) * 12)); -- need constants that dont change.. else return (button:GetID() + ((actualPage - 1) * NUM_ACTIONBAR_BUTTONS)) end end function ActionButton_StartFlash() this.flashing = 1; this.flashtime = 0; ActionButton_UpdateState(); end function ActionButton_StopFlash() this.flashing = 0; getglobal(this:GetName().."Flash"):Hide(); ActionButton_UpdateState(); end function ActionButton_IsFlashing() if ( this.flashing == 1 ) then return 1; else return nil; end end