Thee Compleete Guyde to thee Gloomy Forest

Update status: The areas around the Gloomy forest have been terrainized. Unarmed combat have been upgraded so spiders and trees fights harder. Xp payout have been fiddled with.
The home of giant spiders, trees that talks and druids, the Gloomy forest is a place not for the newbie. It's considered "dangerous" and an XP-harvest area. However, not a money harvest area. Some NPC's carry sell able goods, but you wont get rich here.
The bad thing is that it is a popular place and often cleaned out. When it is empty and respawned, one can get XP fast, but so is seldom the case.

I have made a map of this place, ASCII style. It is avilable here.

Main path
Through the forest, a path runs that is considered "safe". No auto attacking NPC's crosses that path. In daylight...
All maps have the main path marked so just follow it if you are passing through the woods. If you want to hunt, get off the path into the forest.

In the surroundings of the Gloomy Forest itself 2 peripheral areas is located. Two of those are known as "Bandits Camp" (BC) and the Druid Circle. This document contains no information about those areas, but I might write them in the future.
Besides them are the areas outside the signs. The area next to the west side of the west sign is totaly harmless. Unless you are a PK I do not know how you would end up dead here.
There are 2 more exits from the Gloomy. These gets you out in the terrains. There are some trouble there, nut none is even near the Gloomy forest. Only brigands aoutattack, and they are easy to kill.

From pines you get numberplates, they pay 5.57 dollars in Ankh-morpork. Druids carry silver sickles. I fenced 6 to Jak in trolls head for 18 dollars, IIRC. These are the only loot worth the effort here. Sell the stuff in the gen store at the Banditts Camp, or stock up and sell them somewhere else.

Sellable stuff: None.
Rating: Hard. Newbiekiller.
XP: ~8000
Auto attack: Yes.
Alignment: Evil
Location: Night: All gloomy. Day: Not on safe path.
Comment: When you try to flee from a spider, he will follow. However he will stay as long as there is a human player in the room. He follows the last guy to leave. Run, and run fast, if you have to.
What makes spiders famous and feared is that they have poison. That make you lose 5 con stat points. Also, you drop hp while sick from it. Cure is "anti poison tea" made by witches. Do not drink in combat, you risk to drop the bottle so it breaks.
Spiders have no special attacks beyond their infamous poison attack, and they make sharp and pierce damage skill. Clothes tends to take much punishment.

Sub categories: Oak. Pine.
Sellable stuff: Ornamental numberplates (pines)
Rating: Semi hard.
XP: 8000-10000
Alignment: Evil
Auto attack: No.
Comments: Rooted into the ground. Do not leave the room, ever.
I think axe style weapons are the best here. Weapons of the old sharp style works best. I have almost 175 more bonus in mace than in axe and still deal more damage with an axe than with the ornate warhammer.

Sellable stuff: Silver sickles.
Rating: Easy to kill.
XP: 2000-2500
Alignment: Evil
Auto attack: No
Location: Everywhere in the Gloomy.

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