Web Site.

Hi. You've arived here. This is my site. If you dont like it I dont care. I got some stuff here you can check out if you want to. I am severely bilingual, so on this page you will se a mixed swedish/english contents. For that reason I have chosen to make two sections below for each language. Enjoy.

English stuff

Predictions I have made

Check out some stuff bout the amazing MUD "The Discworld MUD"

Some pix on my bro's son.

Words of wisdom Some of the teachings of my life.

Poems. My colection of poems by me.

Me at My portfolio.

Metalix A page about a game I like.

Swedish stuff

Utsikten My blog.

My birthday is coming up (Oct 3). Or christmas, or just anything.

My html manual and web design page (discontinued)
Debian diverse-manual

Out-door Some stuff about hiking.

I am now looking for a welding position. Check out my CV here:
My merit list.

I also have my own web comic.

Some standard stuff; links

A silly little thing: visit my MiniCity or here or here.

I am contributing to a Wiki about swedish hiking trails at in the "Skåne"-sektion.

Music Bjork She is best.
Comics Freefall ozy&millie RPG-world UserFriendly Elflife

Discworld Mud The MUD-game that my mud page above is 'bout.

FUKT A computer society where im a member

Email-adress: fille (a)_ fukt dot bsnet dot se